Wanda Machado Hoffman, President at UFSCar hosts meeting about the Strategic Plan for Internationalization –UFSCar PrInt
In a meeting with researchers from the Exact Sciences and Technology area of UFSCar, held last Monday, October 22, the President Wanda M. Hoffmann, and the dean of Graduate Studies, professor Audrey Borghi e Silva, and the vice Dean of Graduate Studies, professor José Carlos Paliari, presented the actions that were developed with the support of the Director of the Center for Exact Sciences and Technology (CCET), Sheyla Mara Baptista Serra, so that the Strategic Plan for Internationalization (SPI) of UFSCar was approved. The objective of the SPI is to support, expand, coordinate and consolidate strategies that enhance the internationalization of the graduate programs. The approval of the document from UFSCar and other 35 universities was announced by Capes on October 1st. A total of 108 institutions proposals were submitted. The PrInt-Capes, one of the largest science development agencies in Brazil, aims to boost, promote the construction, implementation and consolidation of Institutional strategic plans for internationalization in the areas of knowledge defined by them; expand and stimulate the formation of international research networks and the mobility of teachers and students, especially of doctorates and postdoctoral studies abroad and atract young talents and visitant professors to Brazil, and the transformation of participating institutions into international environments. This first meeting at UFSCar was held in the auditorium of the CCET. Other meetings in the same mold will be held in other Centers at UFSCar.