Integrated Technologies for Health: from Prevention to Rehabilitation
The objective of this theme is to consolidate and broaden research networks and to increase the visibility of the Graduate Programs at UFSCar regarding the theme "Integrated technologies for health: from prevention to rehabilitation" through mobility and attraction of international researchers, focusing on three sub-themes: Technological solutions for health; prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of chronic diseases; and human development and life trajectory. The choice of the theme and its subtopics was motivated by the mission of UFSCar in the development and consolidation of new technologies in the priority areas of research indicated by the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization, and in the relevance of UFSCar's scientific production in the area of rehabilitation. In this way, the choice of this theme aims to strengthen international collaborations in areas of research already consolidated in UFSCar in order to improve new technologies for health, aiming at the promotion and rehabilitation of various health conditions. The proposal encompasses 11 Graduate Programs at UFSCar, characterizing the interdisciplinary nature of the subject. Three of these programs- Physical Therapy, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering – have attained the maximum grade 7 in the CAPES graduate program assessment exercise. The professors linked to this proposal are mostly CNPq (CNPq: Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) research fellows; develop research related to the proposed theme in partnership with international researchers; have published hundreds of scientific papers per year, and have developed software and patents. Most researchers have research projects in national and international development agencies, and two thematic projects are currently under development. In recent years the Graduate Programs that participate in this proposal have received renowned researchers at UFSCar, demonstrating the capacity of these programs to establish international collaboration.
UFSCar PrInt Capes - Integrated Technologies for Health- from Prevention to Rehabilitation
UFSCar PrInt Capes - Tecnologias Integradas de Saúde - Da Prevenção a Reabilitação
- Technological Solutions for Health
- Human Development and Life Trajectory
- Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases
To consolidate and expand research networks working in rehabilitation and increase UFSCar Graduate program visibility through mobility and international attraction of researchers.
The main objective is to promote UFSCar's international scientific research networks in the theme "Integrated technologies for health: from prevention to rehabilitation", by strengthening and expanding current collaborations, as well as by nucleating new research networks with international institutions of excellence. For this, the present proposal will explore the international recognition of UFSCar in this theme, which will be used to expand the mobility and attraction of foreign researchers of recognized competence. With this, it is intended to increase the visibility of Graduate Programs and to launch UFSCar internationally as a Center of Excellence in the area. In addition, the following specific objectives were identified: - to develop new health technologies, using basic and exact sciences resources (mathematics, physics, chemistry, computation and engineering) for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation; - to study the use of different technologies for detection, promotion, treatment and rehabilitation in different life cycles; - to create and evaluate advanced technologies to treat numerous chronic diseases, with emphasis on cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological and musculoskeletal diseases; - to apply different health technologies, allowing greater accessibility and contributing to improve the quality of life of the population; - to develop and apply innovative therapies for promotion, prevention and rehabilitation; - to train researchers at the frontiers of knowledge to lead research groups with a focus on rehabilitation.
Involved Graduate Programs
Strategic Countries
Australia; Austria; Belgium; Canada; China; Cuba; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Italy; India; Japan; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Russia; Spain; Sweden; United Kingdom (U.K); United States (USA).
From September 2019
Argentina; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Cuba; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; India; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Mexico; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Portugal; Russia; South Africa; South Korea; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom (UK); United States (USA); Uruguay
Stela Márcia Mattiello, PhD.
Patrícia Driusso, PhD.
Aparecida Maria Catai, PhD.