Strategic Materials

Strategic MaterialsThe sustainable development of the planet implies a growing demand for new strategic materials. In Brazil, there are abundant resources in minerals, biomass, petroleum and other inputs of strategic importance, making even more pressing the prospection for modern technologies for the development of materials and processes of greater added value, designed to obtain the maximum performance in applications of interest.
This theme is based on UFSCar’s consolidated role in multidisciplinary studies in materials. The theme will further reinforce UFSCar as a Center of Excellence in Materials, illustrated by its capacity to educate hundreds of masters and doctors, in the registering of dozens of patents and the publication of hundreds of international articles over the last four years. The internationalization actions will be directed to the following sub-areas: Materials for Energy; Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Biomaterials and Renewable Materials; Innovative Processes and Computational Modeling and Simulation.




UFSCar PrInt Capes - Strategic Materials UFSCar PrInt Capes - Materiais Estratégicos


  1. Materials for Energy
  2. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  3. Biomaterials and Renewable Materials
  4. Innovative Processes
  5. Modelling and Computational Simulation


To consolidate and expand research networks and increase international visibility in Strategic Materials through student and faculty mobility and attracting foreign visiting researchers.
To achieve this goal, we will promote engagement in international research networks in Strategic Materials through strengthening and expansion of current collaboration as well as nucleation of new research network with leading research institutions abroad. For this, UFSCar’s existing international reputation in this area will be leveraged, mainly by increasing faculty and graduate student mobility, and attracting foreign visiting researchers in order to boost graduate program visibility and promote UFSCar internationally as a center of excellence in Materials. For the Energy subtopic, the development of new materials is sought as well as the improvement of known materials properties for generation and storage of energy prioritizing sustainability, availability, recycling and low-cost. Thus, materials development for using in renewable energy systems such as fuel cells and photovoltaic is one of the significant aspects of this subtopic. For Nanotechnology emphasis is given to nanostructured material synthesis, characterization and application in several compositions, morphologies and microstructure to improve performance in the areas of health, food, energy and environment. The Biomaterials and Renewable Materials subtopic highlights the development of bioactive materials, functional materials, functional packaging, natural polymers, and biphotonic processes. For Innovative Processes, the objective is the manufacturing of hybrid metal-polymer structures, development of new cleaner processing routes, real time management of polymer transformation processes, new materials for catalysis, technologies integrated to the gas and liquid effluent treatment process, laser based micro manufacturing, bioreactors, post metal, polymer, ceramic, polymer and cement composite compression processes for concrete and geotextile infrastructure. For Computational Modeling and Simulation, the objective is process automation, thermo mechanical modeling of materials, embedded systems, high performance computing, statistical pattern recognition, parallel and reconfigurable processing and prior knowledge of nanomaterial to be synthetized and the prediction of possible applications of these materials based on their microstructure.

Involved Graduate Programs

Strategic Countries

Until August 2019
Australia; Austria; Belgium; Canada; China; Cuba; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Italy; India; Japan; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Russia; Spain; Sweden; United Kingdom (U.K); United States (USA).

From September 2019

Argentina; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Cuba; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; India; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Mexico; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Portugal; Russia; South Africa; South Korea; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom (UK); United States (USA); Uruguay



Guilherme Aris Parsekian , PhD.


Lucia Helena Mascaro Sales, PhD.